Released 292 weeks ago
WK 34, 19 Aug 2019
World Exclusive
Various Artists - Various IV
The fourth various artists compilation album on Netherlands based 030303 Records... Splitradix has been given the honour to kick off with a wonderfully...
2LP | 030303 | 030LP005
Isabella - Rodeo Sound
A trippy travell thru space and time. Energic techno, raw and experimental!
12inch | Borft | Borft170
Scan 7 - Between Worlds
Of indisputable +313 vintage, Scan 7 with deep roots in the rich musical heritage of Detroit techno, announce their new triple vinyl album since 20 years on...
3x12inch | Deeptrax | DPTX021
Maelstrom is the latest artist to feature on the new Craigie Knowes offshoot 'C-KNOW-EVIL'. As expected the record is raw and intense with the full force of...
10inch | C-KNOW-EVIL | EVIL002
Noah Gibson - For The Kids EP
Noah Gibson is a young fresh producer from the contemporary Stockholm scene and has been DJing for more than a decade earning a reputation as a living database...
12inch | Krasch Records | KRASCH000
Noah Gibson - Krasch 1
Noah Gibsonfrom Sweden delivers some fresh killer Techno on his own imprint Krasch.
12inch | Krasch Records | KRASCH001
Various Artists - Nous'klaer Summer Sampler '19
Summer tunes by upsammy, Tammo, Oceanic, Amandra & Mattheis and Konduku. 180g solid pink, vinyl only.
12inch | Nous klaer Audio | NOUSSS19
Years Of Denial - Body Map
Years of Denial joins Pinkman Broken Dreams and deliver an EP with four devilish and cataclysmic electronic body tracks. The duo's sound combines influences of...
12inch | Pinkman Broken Dreams | PBD18
Various Artists - 4 Studies 4 A Crucifixion
The Healing Companies first compilation. Four tools for the pit.
12inch | The Healing Company | THC16
Benelux Exclusive
Kosh / Ocb / Viewtiful Joe - Casa Sports
Debut release of Casa Voyager, first Moroccan label exploring hidden cultural spheres in Casablanca. Five liquid electro Detroit tracks produced, mixed and...
12inch | Casa Voyager | CSV01
OCB - The Anti Climax
Casa Voyager is back with a diverse EP from Driss Bennis as OCB. This ep ends a remarkable first year for the moroccan imprint and gathers a large range of...
12inch | Casa Voyager | CSV03
Datawave - Physical Sensor - Electric Eclectics Ghost Series
Modern electro tracks on Fundamental Record that comes with nice silkscreen printed sleeves in the same color of the vinyl record.
EP | Fundamental Records | F018EE021
Kuldaboli - Lifsstill - Electric Eclectics Ghost Series
Modern electro tracks on Fundamental Record that comes with nice silkscreen printed sleeves in the same color of the vinyl record.
EP | Fundamental Records | F018EE022
Nebenprodukt vs. Chromophor - Nebenprodukt vs. Chromophor - Electric Eclectics Ghost Series
Modern electro tracks on Fundamental Record that comes with nice silkscreen printed sleeves in the same color of the vinyl record.
EP | Fundamental Records | F018EE023
Faceless Mind vs. Aquatronics - Faceless Mind vs. Aquatronics - Electric Eclectics Ghost Series
Modern electro tracks on Fundamental Record that comes with nice silkscreen printed sleeves in the same color of the vinyl record.
EP | Fundamental Records | F018EE024
Alek Stark - Electrica Eclectica - Electric Eclectics Ghost Series
Modern electro tracks on Fundamental Record that comes with nice silkscreen printed sleeves in the same color of the vinyl record.
EP | Fundamental Records | F018EE025
Cygnus - Machine Funk Vol. 1/4
First part of a 4 part series. 79 minutes of cybernetic electro-funk... A dense collection of experimental compositions and synthetic, man-machine rhythms...
2x12'' + Picture Disc | Fundamental Records | FUND020
Pacific Coliseum - Ocean City
Pacific Coliseum's Ocean City finally lands on vinyl. Perfectly relaxed house vibes to kickstart the summer.
12inch | Coastal Haze | HAZE006 | n/a
Import / Non-exclusive
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