Released 434 weeks ago
WK 47, 21 Nov 2016
World Exclusive
Conforce - North To South - Part 2
Prolific Dutch artist Conforce is back on his most regular label, Delsin, with a fresh new four track EP. It is the second part to his North to South series...
12inch | Delsin | 119DSR
60 Miles - Million dollar what?
Pure interstellar techno tracks from the most remote west coast of Europe by the talented John Daly and Frawl. Killer release on this new label which John Daly...
12inch | 60 Miles Music | 60MLS02
UVB - For We Live By Sight
Third instalment of UVB's label Body Theory. Techno for those who don't believe.
12inch | Body Theory | BT003
John Beltran - Everything At Once
Michigan artist John Beltran's 13th studio album and 3rd on Delsin is his most complete and personal work yet. Written largely on modular synthesizers for the...
CD | Delsin | DSR/D4-CD | 8718754952033
Sebastian Mullaert & Ulf Eriksson - The Dance Remixed 2
Following the warm reception of The Dance 2xLP Album + live CD recording last year, Kontra-Musik now presents The Dance remixes ...
12inch | Kontra Musik | KM048
Various Artists - World Of Rubber 3
World of Rubber 3 is compiled to make you cry, love, stomp and vomit. Rebellious heavyhitter and lovely melodic excursion provided by Japanese Wave-duo Group A,...
12inch | Rubber | Rubber003
SSTROM - Fyren
12" debut from this mysterious artist from the north of Europe. Tip!
12inch | Semantica | Sem080
Various Artists - 10.V
Fifth 12" on the 10 years series featuring tracks by Silent Servant, Varg, Nuel and Giorgio Gigli.
12inch | Semantica | Sem010.V
Coco Bryce - Dark Dub EP (+ Mesak and FFF Remixes)
Shipwrec are opening a new style chapter with Coco Bryce. Dub, jungle, skwee and breakbeat come together to form the signature sound of the Myor label boss....
12inch | Shipwrec | Ship035
Modes - Scenario
Keeping up their fine schedule, the Spazio Disponibile label is back with a fifth excellent EP, this time from Modes. Modes is an artist who is making his debut...
12inch | Spazio Disponibile | Spazio005
Jovonn - Peak Hour EP
US house master Jovonn launches his new label Body N Deep, with three strong club tracks showcasing the labels sound. The first release includes a dub mix of...
12inch | Body 'N Deep | BND001
Unit Moebius, Salo Mentale, Alessandro Adriani, 05W - World Of Rubber 1
Rubber is new label from The Hague with a motley mixture of off-radar electronix for both the experimental clubber and home listener. ...
12inch | Rubber | Rubber001
Import / Non-exclusive
Various Artists - Essere
The debut release of Aspecto Humano, label based in Barcelona, is being presented as a sampler composed of five tracks, which clearly shows the label's...
12inch | Aspecto Humano | AH001
Zarkoff - Pioneers
Zarkoff (Sasa Rajkovic) is Croatian musician and sound engineer that has been busy making proper sound of dozens labels and doing his own music last ten years....
12inch | Endless Illusion | ENDILL009
Various - Eine Welt Vol. 1
Eine Welt is a vinyl-only sublabel of Mond Musik, found by spAceLex (Alexander Arpeggio). While Mond Musik focuses on obscure electronic made in Germany in the...
EP | Eine Welt | EW001
N. Stal - La Plage
After entering the vinyl realm with the breezy techno of Portland's Wav Fuzz, Les Yeux Orange train their sights a little closer to home for the follow up,...
12inch | Les Yeux Orange | LYO002
Antoni Maiovvi - Will To Powder
Don't confuse radio silence with inactivity. The music might not have been flowing, but the plans were at Schrodinger's Box HQ. And finally, after a shedload of...
12inch | Schrodinger's Box | SBOX004
Madteo (ft Sensational) - Special Offer
Madteo travels through hip-hop, disco, house, New York City, psychedelia, sound exploration & exploitation
LP | Wania | Wania0.99
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