Released 507 weeks ago
WK 26, 22 Jun 2015
World Exclusive
John Daly - Moon Song
If John Daly returns to his own One Track Records it means business. His lush techno style (rooted in early 90's Detroit techno) meets balearic vibes resulting...
12inch | One Track Records | 1track12
Vin Sol - Memory Scan EP
Following two previous appearances on the label (a collaboration with Matrixxman for Delft 004 and a remix of Alden Tyrell on 006), San Francisco's Vin Sol...
12inch | DELFT | Delft009
Discrete Circuit - Machine Code EP
The Inertia sub-arm of Dutch label Delsin is back. After a series of 4 EPs back in 2012, followed by a mix compilation by Delta Funktionen, Inertia-5 introduces...
12inch | Delsin | Inertia05
Delta Funktionen - Wasteland - Chapter I: Goodbye, Galaxy!
Good morning, Commander. Glad you could make it this early. Please take a seat. As you know, your journey towards Wasteland is a mission divided into four...
12inch | Radio Matrix | RAM-X-03
Delta Funktionen - Wasteland - Chapter II: Chasm of Chills
Commander, welcome back from your deep sleep. We are sure your dreams were lucid and that you are ready for the next instalment. ...
12inch | Radio Matrix | RAM-X-04
Walrus - Club Jonathan
Exciting 2nd release on the Roze Balletten label from Belgium by a (new?) artist named Walrus. A lovely 6track ep with a blend of house tracks ranging from...
12inch | Roze Balletten | RB002be
Africans With Mainframes - Commision Number 3
Three more post-Chicago transcendental machine funk sessions by the Africans... You can't stop the prophet.
12inch | Bio Rhythm | RHYTHM015
214 - North Bend
Cultured Dutch label Shipwrec is to team up with Frustrated Funk to release "North Bend", a new album by 214 aka Chris Roman. The 2x12" album lands on Shipwrec...
2LP | Shipwrec | ShipLP03
Import / Non-exclusive
Uabos - Dusk
UABOS, aka Matteo Pepe, is a young and rising star from the fashion capital of Europe. This Milan musician melts the Mediterranean with 707 attitude, connecting...
12inch | Bitter Moon | BM-004
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