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The Black Dog - Other Like Me
Dust Science Recordings
DUSTV124 (Grey color vinyl)
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Release Date
WK 25, 17 Jun 2024
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The Black Dog

Other Like Me

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The Black Dog delves into the intricacies of his psyche, questioning the very essence of individuality and creative worth. The album invites listeners to confront darker thoughts about self-identity, imposter syndrome, and the relentless pursuit of creative value, all while celebrating the joy found in the act of artistic creation. In this introspective exploration, The Black Dog challenge both themselves and their audience, creating a musical experience that is profoundly personal and open to interpretation. The themes woven throughout the album are a poignant counterpoint between the shadows of self-doubt and the exuberance of creative expression. It's an inward exploration, offering a place of solace for listeners to find comfort amid the chaos of external influences. Experience the sonic journey that is The Black Dog's latest album, ''Other, Like Me.''

Releases WK 25

Releases WK 24